I wrote a check for $26,000 to a ninja copywriter to help me create a marketing piece. Why would I invest that kind of money? Think about this: What’s the best way to learn something? Touch the READ MORE
Advisor Marketing
you can’t have this… nope…
It’s amazing what happens when I can’t have something. I want it even more! How about you? Same thing? If that’s true with me and you, it’s true with prospects. If that’s true, why are you READ MORE
have you burned your hand?
You ever learn a painful lesson in life or business? Growing up, the best way to learn was to burn my hand when I touched the stove. The pain and the scar was a great way to learn. In business, pain READ MORE
the marketing road to disaster…
The problem was, the so-called “advisor marketing experts.” “Consider everyone a prospect.” “Attract as many prospects as possible.” “Make everyone a client.” Once I started getting coached, it READ MORE
sorry, you can’t…
“You can’t grow a planning business for million dollar clients only… from scratch in just a few years.” “You can’t grow one of the top advisor mentoring and training businesses while you READ MORE
are you using turkey marketing?
Happy Thanksgiving! According to CNN, Americans serve roughly 46 million turkeys on Thanksgiving, with almost 9 out of 10 Americans feasting on the bird. Each year for the last few years, rumors READ MORE